How We Play

Keep up with our latest blogs, news and research here. If you’d like sneak peeks of play projects around the globe or up-to-date ideas and opinions on the power of learning through play, you’ve come to the right place.

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Projects, Opinion, Equality, In crisis settings, At home
June 2023 Opinion
5 signs you’re (already) a playful parent
Around the world parents experience increasing pressure to go to new heights to prepare their children for the future. Is all the stress and guilty conscience necessary? Our research suggests that with a caring and playful approach to parenting you are likely already doing what is needed to set your child up to thrive today and in the future.
October 2022 Opinion
What types of playing boosts learning?
In one recent paper, we’ve delved into the link between specific activities and learning. There’s some promising research – but more is needed.
October 2022 Opinion
Holistic learning goes beyond the surface
Because playful learning connects different skills and characteristics at once, it helps children apply things they learn in different scenarios.
September 2022 Opinion
‘Listen to us’: Children deliver their manifesto for World Leaders and call for safe-space education for all
The choices that adults make today directly affect children’s and youth’s life. Isn’t it only fair that their perspectives, ideas, hopes, fears and aspirations are heard by those making life-shaping decisions on the climate emergency, education, inequality, poverty, conflict and hunger?
June 2022 Opinion
For families to play more, we need better policies
Playful parenting is a huge child development boost – but parents are too often over-stretched and under-supported. Here’s how systems can help families unlock the power of play.
May 2022 Opinion
8 play ideas for family wellbeing
Play is how children thrive – and it’s good for grown ups, too. Here’s why it’s so important to find playful moments in the everyday, with eight great ideas for getting started.
May 2022 Opinion
Play isn’t another thing to do. It’s another way to do things
Playful parenting gives a boost to every member of the family – and it doesn’t have to feel like yet another thing on the to do list. Read one parent’s perspective on getting more play in every day
April 2022 Opinion
The power of pretend play
You don’t need fancy toys or tech to learn through play. Children pick up all kinds of skills when they pretend play. Take a look.
A first grade student at the blackboard; Ethiopia.
January 2022 Opinion
Girl Power! Equal education for all starts with getting more girls in school
When more girls have the chance to learn through play everyone benefits. Find out why focus on girls is needed to make education fair for all.
September 2021 Opinion
Playful parenting, hacked!
We asked real families to show us how they make every day playful. Grab their ideas and make them your own!
September 2021 Projects
Learning through play on Takalani Sesame
See how one of the world’s favourite TV shows encourages children in South Africa to love learning
Children making funny faces
September 2021 Opinion
Five ways to boost your child’s wellbeing through play
Play is a way for children to show the world who they are and how they feel. And you can help them.