Thomas Kirk Kristiansen
Chair of the Board
Shareholder of KIRKBI A/S and representing the fourth generation of the LEGO® owner family. Chair of the Board of LEGO A/S.
The LEGO Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors composed of six members elected in accordance with its charter. The Board approves the strategy of the Foundation and makes decisions about how the Foundation directs its use of resources, including grants.
Furthermore, the Board also supports and supervises the organisation, making sure that the Foundation is managed appropriately and in accordance with applicable legislation and its charter. Additionally the board appoints The LEGO Foundation CEO who is responsible for the overall leadership and day-to-day management of the Foundation.
With reference to the Danish Financial Statement Act (årsregnskabsloven § 77a, stk. 2 and BEK no. 558 01.06.2016) the Mandatory Report on Recommendation on Foundation Governance, which is approved by the Board of Directors, is published here.
The LEGO Foundation is lead by CEO Sidsel Marie Kristensen
The LEGO Foundation Charter
We have a full privacy policy that goes into the details. But you should know that: we keep to Danish and EU data protection regulations, including GDPR you always have the right to know what information we’re holding about you, and why.
Privacy PolicyWe should all feel safe coming to work - always. The work we do impacts vulnerable people, including children. So it’s vitally important that you tell us if someone who works here isn’t living up to our high standards of integrity. If you’ve seen or suspect illegal or unethical behaviour, report it.
Reporting unethical behaviourAccess policies, reports and other documents here
The LEGO Foundation policies are a set of principles for our way of working. We are committed to high ethical standards in our internal operations as well as when working with our partners.
Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports
In the LEGO Foundation annual reports you can find our management reviews and financial statements. Part of this is our sustainability report, which summarizes the corporate social responsibility and diversity of the Foundation
Reports on Foundation Governance
The Committee on Good Foundation Governance has prepared a set of recommendations, which the LEGO Foundation is addressing every year in connection with the annual report. The Foundation is reporting using the principle of “comply or explain” to the individual recommendations.
List of grantees
The list of grantees is part of the LEGO Foundation’s annual reporting. The list contains the pay-outs to grant activities in a specific year.