Can you recreate a model you’ve only seen for a few seconds?
Develop your flexible thinking and emotional skills and put your concentration to the test with this fun kids’ memory game. Adults can try this one too – kids’ memory games aren’t just for kids!
Ages 3-6 years
People 2+
Duration Under 15 minutes
A set of 6 bricks with different colours , 1 set for each player

Can You Remember? Six Bricks!
Ages 3-6 years
People 2+
Duration Under 15 minutes
Can you recreate a model you’ve only seen for a few seconds?
A set of 6 bricks with different colours , 1 set for each player
Develop your flexible thinking and emotional skills and put your concentration to the test with this fun kids’ memory game. Adults can try this one too – kids’ memory games aren’t just for kids!
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